Audio and DVD Teachings

NOTE: Any of our PowerPoint materials would be available as a personal presentation to your local assembly.

Please contact us for additional information and scheduling availability.

If you find encouragement here we would greatly appreciate your financial support to help us keep these materials freely availaable to all.

Sheep, Shepherding & Walls Part 1

December 2019

The Nitty Gritty of Community (Relationships): What will YOU do with the Sheep? Part 2

December 2019

And Two Shall Become One

A thematic study from Beresheit through Hitgalut - Introduction & Overview
By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
Spring 2011

Assimilation? Chanukah is for Christians Too!

By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
November 2011

A Tree Planted By Living Water Brings Life: Psalm 1 Jail Ministry

By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
December 2011

Barb's Hand Teaching

An Abbreviated Message on Managing our Mind, Will, Emotions, Body and Spirit under the Authority of the Ruach
By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
July 2011

Clues for Shepherds

A slideshow offering some insight into recognition and wise handling of people who are difficult to deal with
By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
August 2011

In The Beginning: An Interactive Study of the Word

This study in slideshow format presents a strategy for moving toward deeper study
By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
February 2010

None So Blind

A presentation for those who are not yet quite certain about the relevance of the Whole Word of YHWH
By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
May 2012

To Whom Do You Cling?

A brief look in slideshow format at the place of Fear, Unbelief, Pride and Rebellion in our walk
By: Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undersheperd
August 2011

This teaching, below, on the community aspect of spiritual warfare builds on all the preliminary teachings that have gone before.

I am sorry for the inconvenience. I was only able to record the narration and the PowerPoint separately.

So you will need to load two separate files: one is the mp3 file of the narration and the other is the PowerPoint presentation itself.

Please use this link for the narration that goes along with the PowerPoint Presentation. You will need to manually advance the slide when indicated in the narration.

Thank you for your patience!

Community Aspects of Spiritual Warfare: The Importance of Echad in Community

This first file is the entire conference call/narration.

If you'd prefer to upload it in shorter segments, it has been divided here into 4 parts, that correspond with the 4 parts of the PowerPoint.

Part 1 45 minutes Part 2 9 minutes Part 3 9 minutes Part 4 43 minutes

Please load the file for this PowerPoint Presentation here.

Resting in Him - Women's Only Teleconference July 2008

Many people believe that life has become more difficult. We also believe we are nearing the return of Messiah Yeshua. As life becomes more challenging and difficult we need to be constantly leaning into Him. This month's discussion centers on the different ways we can stay focused on YHWH and allow Him to be in control of our lives.

The Mature Bride - Women's Only Teleconference June 2008

Yeshua is returning for His bride. This month's discussion is on how the bride should prepare for her Bridegroom's return. What does the mature bride look like and how should she live her life?

Galatians and Hearing the Spirit - Women's Only Teleconference May 2008

In this continuation of April's discussion on Galatians, the women discuss how we can hear the Spirit, how do we know it's the Spirit and the challenges to being obedient to the the Voice of the Spirit.

Galatians - The Misunderstood Book - Women's Only Teleconference April 2008

So often people quote Scripture from the book of Galatians to tell those of the Messianic movement that we are "going back under the law." As we look at the historical and situational context , we get a clearer picture of what Paul meant in his letter to the Galatian congregation.

The Straw Has Been Removed Women's Teleconference from February 2008

During a time of intense pressure of life circumstances for a number of our local community members as we were in prayerful intercession, we came to understand that we are in a comparable time period now, prior to the last great exodus, that is similar to the conditions just before Moshe led the Israelites out of Egypt the first time. Pharoah's first response to Moshe's request to, "Let my people go." was to take away the straw while continuing to demand the same number of bricks. This response seemed only to heighten the discontent the Israelites felt as they complained all the more to Moshe. Do you see this same principle operating in your life? Listen in and discover what others are saying as we are all encouraged to lift up our heads because our Redemption really IS drawing near!

What to Say When They Say, "So, You're Jewish?"

Perhaps you've heard this question before as you've attempted to explain the Hebraic Roots of your faith. Listen in on a conversation between Barb Klika and Marilyn Zierhart from a recent Women's Only Teleconference as they discuss their own experiences when explaining their belief in being Torah pursuant. We followed Dean's Wheelock's article on What's in a Name? Searching for Identity, which you can open and follow along while listening.

How the Ruach Works Through Us in Creativity

A discussion with Jann Prince from Texas. Jann makes beautiful creations in honor of our Messiah (Please go to the Tabret Workbook page to see some of her work and learn how to do it!). Abba's creativity goes out in all directions: artistic design, writing, singing, etc.

Theresa Bates of Adonai Dance Ministries and Shirley Rees of the Perengrinatti

Share their experiences with Shirley's husband, Steve, and David Gipson of Sheep of Israel as they have ministered around the country to different congregations and groups. Some keen insights and observations of faith came out of this conversation from the June 24, 2007, Women's Only Teleconference.

Go Through the Gates Womens' Teleconference

Our SAM community has spent some time considering the importance of the Isaiah 62:10 verses in our day and time. Listen in on the discusson we also had during our Women's Teleconference. In a very short time, we moved from the simple literal meaning to the prophetic. May our discussion prompt your own insight and blessing!

All Women Teleconference discussion on the Creation Gospel Study
by Rav. Hollisa Alewine. (2009-2010)

To listen to the audio click on the lessons below:

NOTE: This study was done from the original 3 booklet form of what is now Called Workbook 1 in The Creation Gospel study.