Prison Aftercare Network
Psalm 69:33
For the LORD hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners.
SAM is pleased to have been a member of the Brown County Prison Aftercare Network since it began in our area in 2008. There is a recently updated website for resources for those making re-entry and their family and friends.
Here is a presentation outlining the desperate need for communities of faith to come alongside ex-offenders as they try to re-enter society. May our Messiah strengthen us all to do His will.
The following presentation was completed by the founders of the Prison Aftercare Network concept from the Milwauke, Wisconsin area.
A Presentation Made for a County Jail Ministry Annual Meeting.
I will gladly bring it to your fellowship group or prison ministry on request!
How Can We Pray for Those Incarcerated?
Here is an article prepared by two inmates with their view of life experiences inside and how we may pray for them!
As a Messiah-Centered Torah Pursuant Local Community we participate in the county wide, faith based network to coordinate services available for ex-offenders returning to the area. This involves monthly meetings with faith based ministries in the area who also want to serve the newly released people as well as hearing updates on various relevant services for them. Bob Klika had served .n the local board of directors.We have specifically asked for those who have demonstrated interest and awareness of their Hebrew roots and a desire to learn to walk in a Torah pursuant lifestyle, as we ask of every one involved. with SAM.
For those who desire a Torah pursuant lifestyle, we offer individual and community mentoring as well as our usual men's and women's group work in the area's of maturity and relationship development skills.
What's New?
February 2024
We continue to distribute Wisconsin Christian Newspapers to our local county jail and chaplain.
Correcting the Narrative (Helping congregations help Ex offenders)
Barb learned about this man and his program to help congregations know how to minister to those released from jail or prison at our Prison Aftercare Network meeting in February, 2024.
Please consider if your assembly could benefit from viewing this video narrative and discussion to help us follow after Messiah's instructions.
September 2023
What to Do if a Friend Has Been Arrested
We received notice of this service providing directions for that stressful time when someone is put under arrest. It doesn't advocate solely for the law firm that put it together in Florida, but offers suggestions and routes to find the information needed in any area.
The restrictions put in place during the Covid 19 lockdown have ended all the programing at Brown County Jails that the previous chaplain Karen Konrad had developed. (Before this happened, we were discussing providing a teaching on the Feasts at the county Jail.) The current chaplain, Dallas Palmer, has been there a few months and is very high energy, also a youth pastor. He has been working with establishing support for both inmates and staff. Barb has met Dallas at a PAN meeting recently and we are trying to re-establish contact in order to put Janell's teaching opportunities back in place. Barb's chaplain status has been confirmed. We are again providing Wisconsin Christian Newspapers for each of the various inmate pods.
Barb will still visit inmates at Wisconsin State Prison system on request, but cannot maintain regular contact with inmates. Our desire has been to be available to help people interested in the Hebrew Roots of our faith AFTER their release. In order to do that, we cannot be connected with any in mate on a regular basis since there is a two year No Fraternization with released inmates rule for anyone involved in providing ministry to inmates of the STATE prison system.
November, 2020
Janell Schroeder was able to provide several weeks of one to one teaching, which was very well received, until concerns for covid-19 again put this on hold.
August, 2020
Monthly meetings have been on hold until this month with covid concerns. September meeting will offer both online and in person options.
Janell Schroeder had been asked and prepared to teach a class at Brown County Jail on the Feasts of the Lord when the quarantine issues arose. She is currently looking at providing one to one, 15 minute sessions with inmates there.
Barb remains on call with Chaplain status for requests to meet that the Jail Ministry Chaplain, Karen Konrad, passes on from inmates.
Currently, we are in touch with one inmate who is considering attending with us on release.
November, 2018
Since Bob Klika's retirement, we have moved north and just attend a few monthly meetings each year, either in person or by Zoom.
The Pre Release Jail Ministry monthly presentations that Bob and Barb used to help provide are no longer being offered by PAN. Monthly meetings and mentor support and training continue.
A 2011 Resource book for Prisoners Who Are Parents
"Staying Connected: Rights and Responsibilities of Incarcerated Parents in Wisconsin"
As of 2023 update of our website, I have been unable to determine if there is a more current version of this resource.
Please let it be a beginning place if necessary, to help you know more about where to begin to ask questions!
Resource Book compiled and provided courtesy of The Family Law Project of the Frank J. Remington Center, University of Wisconsin Law School & Family Connections of Wisconsin
Broken Yoke Ministries
This ministry seeks to serve as a resource for those incarcerated for sexual abuse as well as for family, friends, and others who minister to them. Bob offers a correspondence ministry to those in confinement or reentry as well as a bimonthly newsletter, Into the Light.