Christian Transitions Coaching
Spiritual Growth, Relationships, Work Environments
Transition from where you are to where you want to be!
Now, you can walk through a step by step process, completely personalized with your needs in mind, to make a powerfully positive change in your life.
Personal Life Coaching
- Convenient
- Suited to your schedule
- Available by telephone, Skype
- Or in person meetings
You can meet with your coach from your own home or office without travel distractions!
A Personalized Plan Working with Personal Life Coach, Barbara Klika will:
- Help You Overcome the confusion that comes with any change.
- Guide you to greater clarity about where you have been and where you are going.
- Bring greater clarity about what God is doing in and through the process.
Arrange for your free introductory session today!
Contact Barb Now at:
(920) 634-2760 or
Please complete both of these forms when registering for coaching.
Coaching Services Registration Form Client Profile Information Form
You can submit them via email or send to:
Set Apart Ministries
P. O. Box 5584
De Pere, WI 54115
Prior to our first session, you have the option to use this tool as a basis to begin our work together.
Coaching participants will complete a brief form 24 hours prior to each session to keep us on track for what you need to address each time! This form is to be emailed the evening before our appointment.
What you learn will make a lasting change for good in your life!
Monthly Coaching Payments may be made here.
Payments may also be made by check or money order to Set Apart Ministries and mailed to:
Set Apart Ministries
P. O. Box 5584
De Pere, WI 54115
Preparing to Lead a Home Fellowship?
10 Proven Steps Toward a Stable Set Apart Fellowship
Consider taking a course to prepare you for many of the challenges ahead!
Now you can better prepare yourself spiritually, emotionally and relational-ly to develop a Home Fellowship that can grow into a stable community.
If you already host a fellowship, you can take advantage of our experiences and gain some additional tools to prayerfully exhort and encourage your people.
Barbara L. Klika, MSW with 20 years experience shepherding a Messianic Fellowship and 30 years experience as a Clinical Social Worker has addressed 10 primary areas of need she sees for most people who are considering leading a fellowship group.
This course comes in an email format,one lesson a week coming to your mailbox.
You can complete them as you choose.
Consultation by phone or Skype is always available to talk over anything you and your community may find challenging.
Check out a Course Summary Here
Barbara L. Klika, MSW
Personal Life Coach & Undershepherd-Set Apart Ministries
After nearly 30 years as a Clinical Social worker, Barbara L. Klika is now enjoying providing Personal Life Coaching to people of many different backgrounds who are undergoing one kind of transition or another. Working with those interested in spiritual growth while following Messiah Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth is a special passion. She is the Undershepherd and Founder of a Messianic Home Fellowship, Set Apart Ministries.
Barb is also available to provide presentations for your fellowship group. Here is a list of prepared topics you can request. There is no fee but each group would be asked to cover travel expenses.
- Living Stones being Built into a Spiritual House: The Importance of Community
- The Nitty Gritty of Shepherding Bedraggled “Sheep:” Personal and Corporate Dynamics as Community Develops
- A Tree Planted by Living Waters: Prison/Jail Ministry Training to Deal Effectively with Difficult/Immature Inmates
- And the Two Shall Become One: From Genesis to Revelation Overview
- Messiah in the Feasts of the LORD: Personal and Corporate Faith Walk after Messiah –Interactive Teaching
- Maturity and Stability in a Faith Based Assembly For Members and Leaders
- Standing in Faith: Training to prayerfully come alongside survivors of satanic ritual abuse/Monarch Mind Control
- The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Hegelian Dialectic
- Other topics by request.
Professional Experience
Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Personal Life Coach
2015-- Still Waters, Inc. of Green Bay corporation has been dissolved, effective September 15, 2015. All coaching services will now be offered under the umbrella of Set Apart Ministries, Inc.
2009-2015: Owner/Coach for Still Waters, Inc. of Green Bay. Specializing in personal life coaching for those people in various life transitions, and for individuals or family and friends of those in depression; using personally developed materials, The Life ModelTM, and maturity development materials. (No longer an outpatient clinic.)
Barbara L. Klika, MSW, LCSW
1992-2009: Owner/therapist for Still Waters, Inc. of Green Bay. Specializing in professional mental health treatment provided within a Judeo-Christian worldview.Personal Life Coaching services added in 2005.
1987-1992: Private practice group, Family Life and Growth, S.C., Green Bay. Quality Assurance Director and Therapist.
1986: Program Director: Developed Challenge--AODA treatment program for adolescents and families, residential and outpatient--Programs, Green Bay, WI
1976-1992: Medical, AODA, EAP and psychiatric social work experience in several hospitals, private agencies and county mental health facilities in Northeastern Wisconsin.
1978-1983: Developed community organizations to deal with domestic violence in Dodge and Fond du Lac counties. (You might be interested in a video of the Founders of the Dodge County group-PAVE, talking about that experience.)
1987-1988: Adjunct Professor--Sociology of Marriage and Family at UW-Green Bay, WI.
1977: Received BA sociology/Music at Southwest State University, Marshall, MN
1983: Received MSW at UW-Milwaukee, School of Social Work
1995: Certified Bethel Series Teacher
2009: Certified Creation Gospel Trainer; Advanced training with Rav. Holissa Alewine in Israel.
Continuing education in the areas of anxiety and depression, addictions-substance abuse, attachment and bonding, sexual and eating disorders, trauma resolution, personality disorders, communication and conflict management skills, treating infidelity, marital, psychoneuroimmuniology, gerontology, brain function in memory and aging, integration of religion and psychology, spiritual warfare, New Age and occultism, Spiritual gifts, Theophostic prayer and healing, and personal life coaching--basic training through Mentor Coach Inc.
Barb is also the Undershepherd and Founder of Set Apart Ministries, a Messianic equipping community, incorporated in January, 2000.