Statement of Faith
We believe in the God of Israel, YHWH, Who is eternally existent and Who made the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them.
We believe in His Son, our Messiah, Yeshua/ also known as Jesus of Nazareth, fully God and fully man. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and was buried. He rose again on the third day and is coming again soon as a Conquering King, to bring in the millennial reign.
We believe in the Eternal Existence of the Ruach haKodesh/the Holy Spirit indwelling in the hearts of those who have believed, made confession of sin, repented, and received Yeshua.
We affirm that the Bible, the Whole Word, is alive and valid for today; and that properly understood, both Old and New Testaments are all about YHWH/God’s plan for mankind and the work of His Son, Yeshua, our Messiah.
We affirm that the commandments of YHWH/God to observe His holy days (moedim) and His ways in all things remain the same as in the beginning. Belief in Yeshua and the coming of the Ruach haKodesh/Holy Spirit has resulted in these same commandments being written upon our hearts.
We affirm that through Messiah’s work on our behalf, we have salvation and have been freed from the bondage of sin and death to choose obedience to walk after Him in His ways, which is the sanctification process.
We affirm the Scriptures are inherently infallible in the original languages and confirm the need for both Papa’s Torah (knowledge of the Word) and Mama’s Torah (character development, maturity.)
We affirm that God created both men and women in His image and that taken together, they are the most complete physical representation of the character of YHWH/God.
We affirm that the Scriptures define both individual and corporate righteousness as we enter into the sanctification process to become more like Messiah, living in His full presence for eternity.