

Janell Schroeder, Elder Set Apart Ministries
December 2017

Years ago, a woman I worked with spent some time with her son who was on leave from the military. They visited upstate New York and saw some beautiful rivers and some pretty impressive bridges. While the woman marveled at the beauty of the scenery her son had a very different perspective. Her son was trained in demolition. Instead of taking in the beautiful scene he immediately started assessing the structure of the bridge and how, if he were commanded to, he would demolish it - what charges should be placed where to bring down the bridge completely and quickly. He strategized - what was the job and what would take care of the job. Needless to say, my co-worker was totally amazed at the different train of thought her son had compared to her, and that was evident in the way she told the story to us when she returned to work.

I haven’t thought about that particular story for a long time. In fact, it didn’t pop back into my mind until I was reading a small booklet, “The Key to Prayer,” by Watchman Nee. In the very first paragraph Nee states: “Prayer is a matter of great importance in the spiritual life of a Christian. Every true

Christian realizes this and prays. However, even though some of the Lord’s children spend time praying over many matters, they do not seem to get through in prayer. It seems as if they have not found the way to pray. This is because they have not discovered the key.”

Hmmm. I need a key to pray? As I read on, understanding flooded my mind. Yeshua knew exactly what to say to each person He came in contact with. He was right to the point. He understood the root of the issue; He understood the job. His understanding of the root of the issue then directed Him in the Words He spoke to deal with that issue. He knew the correct Sword of the Spirit to pierce through the darkness of the issue and to bring light and truth into it. He knew what would take care of the job. He knew the key.

This was not a new concept for me, knowing that Yeshua spoke truth into every situation. What was a new concept for me was that I could ask Yeshua for the right key! I am able to go to my Commander in Chief and ask Him to expose the root of the issue and then equip me with the right spiritual weapon to deal with it – the correct Sword of the Spirit to slash, cut, pierce and demolish that particular issue or stronghold!

Previously, when addressing issues for myself and others in prayer, I usually pulled out a topical Bible and searched for Scripture verses addressing what I thought the issue was. There is nothing wrong with this. Again, I state, there is nothing wrong with this. Yet, as Watchman Nee said, I never seemed to get totally through the job in prayer. What was wrong? What I needed was to know the root of the issue, not the symptoms, and then I needed to have the correct weapon to deal with it.

So I started to pray that way. I asked Abba, in Yeshua’s Name, to reveal the root of the issue and then to give me the correct Sword to deal with it. Let me give you an example. I struggle hearing Yeshua’s voice. So I asked Him what the root issue with this was. I was told “Fear of deceit.” It took additional prayer to understand that I was fearful of not recognizing Yeshua’s voice. Was it really You; was it me just thinking that; was it an unclean spirit? Once I understood the root of the issue, I then asked for the correct Sword. I was given John 10. Then I was able to declare, “I am Your sheep. I hear Your voice. I do not hear the voice of the stranger.” In addition to that, the following Shabbat when someone was praying about not hearing Yeshua’s voice, I was able to go right to Scripture and prayerfully speak into that situation, thus equipping and edifying my sister. Praise Yah! (And yes, I am hearing Him more and more!)

Sometimes I don’t quite understand why He has given me a particular Scripture for an issue. My grandson only has a little exposure to Yeshua and Scripture and that was a number of years ago. He has video game and electronics addictions. I asked Abba for the correct Sword for this issue that I may intercede effectively for my grandson. I was given Psalm 1. Really? I didn’t get it. But that was the Sword I was given so by faith I started praying and interceding for him with that Psalm. It wasn’t until a few days later when I was copying Psalm 1 onto an index card to keep in my prayer file that I understood the Sword I was given. Yes, I want my grandson to be blessed and not be counted amongst the ungodly, the sinners or the scornful. But then I got to verse 2 – “…And he meditates in His Torah day and night.”

Oh! Right now my grandson meditates in his video games and electronics day and night! What he needs is to meditate in YHWH’s Word day and night! The right Sword for the right issue. The key! Now my intercession for him is right to the point. Draw him to You, Yeshua; give him a thirst for Your Word that he desires to meditate on Your Word day and night instead of immersing himself in his addictions.

Understanding this has brought a new life and depth into my prayer time. My intercession is deeper and I am praying as Yeshua, the Commander of the Hosts of YHWH, has directed me and I’m using my spiritual armor in a strategic way. It has been a true blessing and I praise Yeshua for bringing me into this deeper place of His kingdom work. As Oswald Chambers said, “Our Lord in His teaching always made prayer, not preparation for work, but the work.”

May you be blessed by what Yeshua has opened up to me, and may He bless you with the right weapon for the right job as He strategizes your spiritual warfare.

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