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Chaos can be put in order...but what is the source? 

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
November 2024

Written for Wisconsin Christian Newspaper


He brought chaos--formless and void--into order as He formed our world from the beginning.

(Genesis 1-2)

He repeatedly says that He knows the end from the beginning AND tells it out of the beginning.

(Isaiah 46:10)

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

1 Cor. 14:33 NKJV


His Word gives us a good idea what to expect as we near the time of Messiah’s return.

Mass chaos, confusion, wars and rumors of wars…but these are only the beginning.

No matter what the “kings of the earth,” who serve wickedness, try to do, He is Sovereign and will restore order in His timing. Believers should be aware that these challenges will come so as to be prepared not to fall.

Those of us alive on the earth today do have to walk through this season until He determines otherwise.  How do we do that when what is happening all around us is so unbelievable and demoralizing?  We never thought we’d have to argue that it is not possible for girls to become boys or boys become girls. The political decisions that keep moving toward war in various parts of the world just seem so far beyond reality. I could go on and on about these seemingly impossible, crazy things. It is all intended to demoralize people of faith.

There are many very casual Christian believers who have not taken the time to become familiar with our Mighty God’s ways. When they most need it, they will not have the “rehearsing” done ahead of time to be able to recognize His voice and His ways. 

There is a reason that “Do not fear!” is said so many times in the Word.  Fear seems to be the number one way that people become overwhelmed. If one is not accustomed to turning to Messiah when fear takes hold, it will not be at all easy to turn to Him in the midst of worldwide chaos. There are still many who question why God “does” bad things or allows bad things to happen so they can pretty easily be taken into unbelief, which will lead to self-sufficiency and rebellion.   His Bride are those who HAVE taken time to know His ways and have been rehearsing in them so that when the biggest dangers come, they will be able to stay under His wings, or run to His strong fortress.

My point at this time is to be aware of what is causing this chaos before we welcome what seems to put it to an end. Yes, we have said now for several years that this could be yet another cycle as in Judges, where the people go through the cycle over and over again…from obedience to disregard for the Word, to danger and back to seeking Him again.  In this case, He could send another temporary deliverer, like each of the Judges of that time…and the restoration would include a return to righteousness!

Differences today are that the horrific things happening are no longer regional but going on all around the world. Many government leaders have NOT been serving the interest of their people…and a number of them who do serve their people have experienced assassination attempts, some successful.   Israel is back in the land so that could indicate it really IS time for Messiah to return.  Although it is hard for some to comprehend, there are people who serve wickedness and ARE seeking to bring an end to the world as we know it. The excess death rate since the “covid vaccinations” around the world is monumental and we are just entering the time period when doctors and scientists have said that the negative impacts from that vaccination will exponentially explode.

I want to bring forward the Hegelian Dialectic.  In short, this is a method of bringing large populations to agree with the beliefs of the leaders. It involves creating a problem, challenging accepted beliefs and mores while creating division over how to deal with it. And then finally, bringing about a solution. In this end, this solution supports the direction the “powers that be” want the general population to go.

If you or your “group” are the ones who have created the problems in the first place, it seems easier to understand how you could then suddenly “solve” the problems and make the bad things stop. If there is no awareness of this process in place, the general population will likely applaud those who bring about peace, while not realizing that they fomented the problems in the first place.

How would we tell the difference between the intervention of our Mighty God or this manipulation of people?

At the core, the answer is simple.

When it is our God intervening, the result with be seen in judgment of wickedness and a repentance and return to honoring Him.

When an intervention leads away from His Word and direction, it is likely a form of manipulation to turn people away from their faith.

It isn’t always easy to see past the circumstances to look to the origins. We do need to be as familiar with the Word as we are with our professions or daily work so that our discernment continues to increase. It is wise to ask our Father to increase our understanding and discernment as well, which He will do through the indwelling Holy Spirit. We just need to be accustomed to seeking Him and listening to His replies.

It is also wise to recall the message of the two trees in the garden. The one leads only to our God.  The other, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, is more challenging.  Study of the Word has led me to conclude that the evil side of this tree is the more blatant satanic activity. The “good” side of it is still rooted in evil but moves in the direction of false light;  illumined—for even satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Cor. 11:14) Even secular people are beginning to recognize it as a war between good and evil. It is possible that what we are seeing now in this battle, may in fact, be more of an ‘inversion” moving from the dark/evil to the light/Luciferian disguised evil. May our Mighty Elohim make it abundantly clear to each of us!

I had written earlier in brief summary about the concept of ”latent soul power” as Watchman Nee used the phrase. I want to repeat that here because I believe it is VERY important for Believers to be aware of this so that it can be addressed.  Adam and Eve were not the same as we are now. They had amazing authority and powers in order to carry out His commands for them to care for the whole earth. At the fall, rather than having those powers removed from them/humanity, it appears that they were not removed but rather enveloped in the flesh and set “off limits” for human use. We can know this because these powers have been sought by some and are the basis for many occult and parapsychology practices.  Because they were corrupted at the time of the fall, any attempt to use them will bring sin and corruption to a person.

Satan, as we know, has no power to create anything, but can fashion and manipulate things that already exist. In this manner it appears that the lying signs and wonders and so-called miraculous things that happen could be manipulated by satan through the use of human latent soul power…the magic arts and so forth. It is a form of the “buying and selling of bodies and souls of man” as noted in the Word.

We need not fear this as we can simply acknowledge the presence of this latent soul power and ask our Father to prevent us from accessing it, knowingly or unknowingly.  We can also then ask that He shield us from any latent soul power forces/prayer that come toward us as well. Although it is a short book, The Latent Power of the Soul, by Watchman Nee was written for our times and includes many insightful understandings for Believers to consider.

As the chaos continues to expand, may we always “remember, remember, remember”  Who He is, what He has done for us, what He has promised to do for us, and Who we are in Him!  Standing firm on the Rock that is our Messiah, in all of our behaviors, attitudes and actions will strengthen us through whatever is unleashed against us. He does have a plan for His people, for good and not for evil!!


“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).


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