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Prepare So Your Heart Doesn't Fail

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
September 2024

written for Wisconsin Christian Newspaper

 “And there will be signs …men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.   Luke 21:25-26  NKJV

In your patience possess ye your souls.  Luke 21:19          


We carry on and we teach the Word while it is yet day but it will become darker. Messiah said that it would be so bad that men’s hearts would fail them for fear and expectation of what lies ahead.

I checked to see if fear alone can bring on heart attacks. The general medical response seems to be that it wouldn’t unless there were underlying conditions. Seems to me that the US population, and other places around the world, are experiencing more underlying health issues, often related to conditions that appear to have been intentionally put in place, especially through our food supply, but also through big Pharma and pharmaceuticals.  But truthfully, the things that are coming are so far beyond anything that has yet happened, I don’t know that we could put much confidence in a medical perspective!

So who is at risk of heart failure due to excessive fearful things happening? It would seem that it would primarily be those people who do NOT have a relationship with Messiah already. Yet, in our modern day version of Christianity, which some have called “churchianity” we can see and experience how different what is taught today is from what was taught in the past.  Many churches and leaders no longer cling closely to the Word but teach what is desired by their members, so as not to frighten them or set expectations on them. There are many well known teachers from even 100 years ago who have point blank stated that comfort and convenience were the expectations of believers rather than taking up our cross in any circumstances. 

One point of preparation for the fearful things coming is then to get (back?) into the Word and see that the message there is about needing to expect trouble of every kind.  Paul/Sha’ul received quite the warning of all that he was to suffer as he obeyed Messiah’s call to him. ( Acts 9:16 )  It didn’t deter him, even when he was beaten and left for dead.

I would also point to Job’s well known situation and--

Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.      Habakkuk 3:17-18  NKJV


I also think that the 10 virgin’s parable applies: the five wise ones will be prepared in every way as they lived their lives seeking Messiah FIRST and ordered their life around Him.  The five foolish ones know ABOUT Messiah but are not necessarily following His ways, so at the crisis moment, they will be left out and will have a lot to go through: tribulation/refinement.

Messiah told us first, do not be deceived and then do not be terrified.  How many people are already deceived, thinking they attend church and are well informed?

In the 1920’s, Watchman Nee, and others, were already very concerned about the apostasy in the church. We can only imagine what they would think now! This is still Truth, but it is hard to find those interested enough to listen and respond in a God honoring way.  In his book, The Latent Power of the Soul, Nee provided a description in more detail than I have seen elsewhere as to why Believers are not to partake of occult practices such as hypnotism, clairvoyance, psychometry and so forth. In his understanding (and mine) Adam and Eve were far more capable than human beings are today. In order to fulfill the directives to care for the whole earth, they must have had powers/abilities beyond ours. What Nee understood is that at the time of the fall, this type of abilities or powers fell with man.  It is not that the powers were removed, but more that they were hidden or enveloped in the body and soul of man; with God’s express direction that they were not to be accessed. At this time, the order God intended was the human spirit infused with the Holy Spirit to provide guidance through the soul, and the soul as the hub connection then with the body. The soul (mind, will, emotions)  had the responsibility to keep the body in line, in the lowest place.  At the fall, this was switched around, leaving the body and soul more powerful and disconnected from the human spirit/Holy Spirit guidance.

In “Barb’s Hand Teaching”  PowerPoint presentation on our website, I have used my hand to describe this pattern. This teaching describes how we were “turned upside down” by the fall, and how we need to be turned “right side up” again --if you want a visual aid.

I had understood that part, not to participate, long years ago as well as learning then that occult powers and practices are NOT just fraud. I can confirm that there are many people that find a way to access these hidden abilities, and that our adversary, the evil one, is only too willing to draw us there. Just because they are real does not mean that they are acceptable practice to our Mighty God.

 This particular work of Nee was specifically written to address the times near Messiah’s return, to equip the saints. Warnings about false teachings that the subtle but powerful efforts of the evil one use to draw people away from genuine worship in Spirit and in Truth, to access their own hidden powers in ways that make them seem spiritual and successful are expressly laid out here. In fact, what he wrote is very similar to what I have learned from my clients who have experienced satanic ritual abuse.  The reader probably knows that the evil one does not have the power to create anything; only to mimic and manipulate. Nee said in 1927 that the adversary is seeking ways to entice man/woman to delve into their latent powers of their souls…this is the power that he uses to create the lying signs and wonders we have been warned about.

Along with staying close under Messiahs wings (as in Psalm 91) we also need to be aware of this power we have within us; that it NOT be drawn out or mistaken for the real Holy Spirit.  A bold yet simple prayer is to ask that our latent soul power be bound back and not be allowed to work in and through us.  It is especially important to do this because if we mistake this “soulish” source of power and seek to develop it in ourselves and others, it also hinders the work of the Holy Spirit.

I have long considered that there may be another “force” that seems to be answering some prayers. It may well be this latent power within our own selves that can be projected on situations and onto other people.  A second simple yet bold prayer is to ask for His protection from any “latent soul power” prayers that may be directed toward us.

I think it is pretty safe to say that most WCN readers here would not be interested at all in finding themselves caught up in their own “latent soul power” that interferes with their relationship with our God!  We do not want anything in us to be manipulated for the lying signs and wonders (we have been warned about) by the adversary as he seeks to become like God and convince us all over again that WE can be God! 

The second thing came to my attention through an extremely difficult personal situation recently and revealed more to me about our potential vulnerabilities as we face fearful situations/people.

 I have long focused on the neural pathways and memories of those who have suffered trauma in efforts to help them overcome the residual fears and walk in Messiah’s light. Somehow, I had missed the power that is within our physical bodies.  The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is connected throughout our bodies; from the brain, through the eyes, digestive system, heart, lungs, right down to the colon. We are generally so grateful that this system takes care of daily things that we don’t have to think about! Heart rates, blood pressure, directing energy within the body wherever it is needed.  What I hadn’t realized is that this system is operating foundationally underneath the brain processes and is able to affect us far more than I knew, including responding to perceived dangers with the singular goal to help the body survive. It does not come from our thoughts or beliefs. The range it affects:  a normal functioning mode at the “top” of this system, or into the “sympathetic” nervous system (agitated/activated) or in the lowest state, (shut down, collapsed, hopeless.)  It is normal and part of how we were created to be to move through these different states daily. The problem comes in when we don’t realize how it is affecting us and we become “stuck” away from our normal state.

The ANS doesn’t have access to moral understandings but simply changes our body processing as situations arise in ways that guarantee our physiological survival.  This change can move us from functioning with our true self and knowledge, to the sympathetic or the dorsal nervous systems where we lose connection with what we know to be true. In those states, we find ourselves in agitation or shut down and unable to think clearly.  This is quite a complicated topic, but it is also a topic I think we should be aware of.  Although we can’t control this ANS, we can become more aware of it and moderate the response when needed.

This appears to be Messiah’s directive as quoted by Luke and John, that we need to endure and be able to “possess” or control our souls through the union of our human spirit and the Holy Spirit; not letting the latent powers of our souls overrule.

When the most fearful things come on the earth, I do see that people may react in ways they themselves don’t understand, including becoming extremely anxious and unable to relate to other people or God in prayer.  They could go the other direction into a full shut down, collapsed state. We think different thoughts and have different perspectives than our normal ones when our ANS “triggers” into these other states…compassion turns to criticism, toward others and toward ourselves.

When we take the time to become more familiar with how we respond to such daily challenges at this level, we can modify the intensity of these responses to move us back toward being functional. I am still considering these things, but it may be that this process is most important to know for those who do NOT have a relationship with Messiah or have been deceived into thinking they do…yet important for Believers to recognize in self or others, so we know what may be needed to restore normal function.


This may be where the patience of our souls comes in.

 Strong’s 5281  hypomonē  patience

    1.  in the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.    Partial listing from Outline of Biblical Usage as reported on Blue Letter Bible.


Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.  Rev 14:12  KJV

Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36 NKJV


Many other translations say “have strength” rather than “counted worthy.”  Having strength seems to be a request while being counted worthy seems to indicate our Abba’s thoughts toward us. As a community, SAM has been praying according to this directive for many years now. Like everyone, we would LIKE to be found among the five wise virgins or the assembly of Philadelphia, but recognize that instead, we may be more like Smyrna and need more refinement.  We would certainly then need the strength to carry on as the world experiences more of His judgment and preparations so that our hearts do not fail.





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