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Times that Try Men’s Souls  

Barbara L. Klika, MSW, Undershepherd, Life Coach
August 2024

Written for Wisconsin Christian Newspaper

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Sounds pretty contemporary, doesn’t it?   Not…           Thomas Paine  December 23, 1776

Mr. Paine had quite a bit more to say that I can’t include here but would recommend reading. He lived in a transitional time… between what they had known and the unknown… not much could be said with certainty but faith and strength were certainly challenged, much as we face today. Whose authority would they accept? Was it treason to oppose the King? Whose authority do we accept today? Have those in earthly authority been guilty of treason and sedition; sin? How do we function in the Kingdom of God while yet living under the influence of the kings of the earth?

The Word tells us that the kings of the earth will desire to control the whole earth and humankind; and will essentially be serving the forces of wickedness in that pursuit.  We know that there is an anti-christ spirit that is in the process of grooming the earth to be received. If you had any doubt of that, witness the mockery of the Last Supper at the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony, after years of their unholy themes.  Their methods of gaining control over human beings and whole societies are quite creative and pervasive, and yet subtle. They are subtle to the point that many people today remain unaware of how they are being manipulated and are still cooperating with plans that are intended to lead to their demise. It is also safe to say that they have recently become much LESS subtle and far more boldly defiant with deviant ideas in some arenas.  I have written in the past of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is a part of Marxist doctrine and a way to “herd” people into the “elite’s” own desired directions without the informed consent of the people. I have written about the contrast between the two trees of the Garden, yet THREE positions:  Light, False light, and Dark/evil

Most are aware of the familiar picture of good vs evil; perhaps the black and white angel competing from each shoulder telling us what to think and do. Few have remembered that the third position is the apparent “good” side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This lack of knowledge puts many people in a very dangerous position! If one thinks that there is no danger, one will not be on guard! 

Its root is still evil though it may appear attractive! Paul warned us about this in the letter to the Corinthians…ah, the Corinthians! I think we must be quite sympathetic, or at the very least empathetic to their plight, so similar to ours today. 

No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  2 Cor. 11:14  NASB

We can so easily be deceived if we are not immersed in His Word and His Spirit…and even then we can still fall in our own weaknesses. We need to be confident that with our repentance, His mercies ARE new every morning!

If we are but a “summer soldier or a sunshine patriot” in our faith, as Paine says, we will not be strong in our convictions. As soon as trouble comes, fear overwhelms and men’s hearts fail. Yeshua/Jesus knew that we needed to be prepared with knowledge of what would be as we near the end of all that we have known as the time for Messiah’s return nears.  We are watching the iniquity of the evil one(s) being played out until our Father determines that it has come to its fullness.  He didn’t want us to be weakened in spirit but strong in Him!

But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.   Mark 13:23  NKJV

Later, Paul told us how a warning was prepared for us even longer ago than that. He addressed the messages we are to learn from in the Israelites transition from Egypt into the wilderness and finally into the Promised Land. They had grown accustomed to their slavery mindset. In fact, it was easier for our Father to extract them from Egypt that it was to extract Egypt from them!

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.  1 Cor. 10: 11  NKJV

I have been having a “conversation” with someone over the past week or so who graciously expressed concern that I was misunderstanding Galatians, (Whole Word Hebraic Context vs. NT Only Context)  and is quite convinced that no Believers today, especially new ones, should be “bothered” about knowing anything from the OT as it is no longer relevant to NT believers.

I do think that Paul made it quite clear that the history of what happened in THAT exodus out of Egypt to the Promised Land was to be an example and an admonition to US today who will be participating in that second exodus out of Babylon that will be even greater than the first! 

The Outline of Bible Usage from Blue Letter Bible has this among the definitions of “example” and “admonition.”

  1. an example
    1. in the technical sense, the pattern in conformity to which a thing must be made
    2. in an ethical sense, a dissuasive example, a pattern of warning

Admonition:   admonition, exhortation


A review of Matthew Henry’s commentary on 1 Corinthians 10 brought further clarity to the exact warnings we are to perceive from this history, as well as his confirmation of the importance of it for current believers. You can find the entirety of his understanding of this history in the www.BlueLetterBible.org under commentaries.

“Nothing in scripture is written in vain. God had wise and gracious purposes towards us in leaving the Jewish history upon record; and it is our wisdom and duty to receive instruction from it.”

So I say it will be woe to those who would not heed our Father’s instructions!  I am concerned for those who do the so called “cherry picking” type of theology! I am yet also concerned for those who have forgotten that Messiah’s work was to restore us to relationship with our Father after sin had entered in; providing salvation and the opportunity to enter into the sanctification process as well.  (2 Cor 5:18, Romans 5:11)

Please consider the Whole Counsel of our God! 

What were the warnings and admonitions we need to be aware of from their experience transitioning out of slavery through the wilderness toward freedom? How do they relate to us today, as more and more of the wickedness of our generations throughout the world is being revealed?

Briefly stated: 

*Lusting after evil seems pretty straightforward…coveting what others have or do….what I have called “deliciously naughty” actions…often bringing fame and wealth in the physical sense, while also bringing spiritual death.

*Idolatry is such a broad spectrum of behaviors and a LOT of time is spent on this in the Word. Anytime anything becomes more important to us than our relationship with Messiah, we have fallen into idolatry.  Idolatry of self is ever more prominent in this age.

*Sexual immorality is so rampant today it is evident that people have forgotten how to blush. (Jeremiah 6:15) Those who want acceptance of transgenderism, homosexuality, gender affirming care, etc. are asking all to not only tolerate but approve what they do… Paul told us that approving of these things was the same as doing them in Romans 1.  God considers going after other gods of any kind like a spiritual whoring. There is a strong intent among those who serve wickedness to destroy faith in our God so we must be on alert and stand firm…which means we must stay in the realm of the Full Armor of God!  We understand that to be a reference to the Priesthood of our God; and we are called to be a Kingdom of Priests; serving Him and being strong in Him and going into battle while He fights for us… NOT our trying to do something for Him which comes from our souls:  and not our spirit, combined with His Spirit.

David Wilkerson wrote this about tempting Christ:

*What does Paul mean here when he speaks of “tempting Christ”? Simply put, tempting the Lord means putting him to a test. We tempt him whenever we ask, “Just how merciful will God be to me if I move forward into this sin? How long can I indulge my sin before his anger is stirred? I know God is merciful and this is an era of grace, with no condemnation toward sinners. How could he possibly judge me, when I’m his child?”

Multitudes of Christians casually ask the same question today, as they toy with a wicked temptation. They want to see how close they can get to hell-fire without facing the consequences of sin. In short, they’re tempting Christ. And all the while, such believers are casting off conviction from God’s Word.   https://davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com/2010/03/tempting-christ.html


*Complaining/murmuring is also held in contempt by Elohim. The complaints among the Israelites in the wilderness led to many consequences, the utmost being that the generation that left Egypt would NOT get to see Israel. They murmured against Moses, and ultimately against God Himself.  This seems to be a common problem today as well and magnified by our social media anonymity! But our Elohim knows our hearts and intents. Nothing is hidden from Him!

We need to recognize that in this season of transition, whether our God will intervene and restore a semblance of normalcy OR if He will allow the iniquity to find its fullness and permit Messiah to return, that we are being tried, and tested.   He is testing our souls: mind will and emotions.  He is permitting the evil one to try us, sort of like Job. The things that are happening around us are simply beyond the pale. It seems common sense has left the planet. While we are thankful for those of like mindedness who we can join together in prayer, we must cling to Messiah through the Holy Spirit for His seven spirits to rest upon us …wisdom, understanding, wise counsel, Presence of the Holy Spirit, power, knowledge and reverence. (Isaiah 11)  As Watchman Nee had encouraged, it is not only our privilege to take everything to Him in prayer, it is our obligation as His people to pray that His will be accomplished here on earth as it is in heaven.

When we see normalcy crashing around us, as our food supply is compromised, our water is kept from us, medical care seems to bring more catastrophe than relief, as nation rises against nation, there are and will be even more times when life seems reduced to day by day concerns alone, nearly paralyzing us. THIS is a time in which we are so shaken up that our Elohim may find us more humble and able to receive from Him in ways our usual self sufficiency can’t allow.  It is during such times of adversity that He is able to use what was intended for harm for our good…and humble us before Him…to more and more fully acknowledge that we do not have within us what we need, but really are dependent on Him.  He can use these times to mature us if we will allow Him to do so. It is usually only through such a process that we become the most teachable with a long term positive change…to be found worthy to escape all that is coming on the earth and stand before Him at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb!

May His will be done, within us, among us, through us, our bodies, our spirits, in our mind, will and emotions—our souls, on earth as it is in heaven.





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